Janome Feet – “C” and “M” Feet
In this post we will be discussing the purpose of the “C” or “M” foot. The purpose of this foot is to overlock the edge of the fabric. The goal of this is to mock what a serger would do. Below you will find a picture of the foot and two informational videos on the […]
Janome Feet – “A” Foot
Today’s foot is the “A” foot. This will be the standard foot that comes on all Janome machines and all machines in general. This foot can do almost every stitch on the machine without having to worry about breaking the foot or the needle. Uses: Typically this foot is used to straight stitch and zig-zag. […]
Janome Feet – ABC’s
This Blog Post section will cover the different Janome feet and their uses. *Viewer discretion: these feet are generally the feet for all Janome’s. Older Janome machines may have different feet letters or look slightly different. Different brands with also have different feet letters but may be the same style of foot with the same […]
Janome Advanced Service Training
Hello to all my readers, This week I would like to share my experience from last week training at Janome America. This past week I drove to Mahwah, New Jersey and took a week long advance servicing course at Janome. I worked with a couple awesome instructors and everyday we took apart and put back […]
About Janome
Our quick read for this week is about Janome America. Please take 5 minuets to read this short article.