Tip of the week #11

Are you a quilter who uses safety pins?  In a typical day I get to see a lot of different Bo Bo’s but this one is one I needed to show.  The name of this proud owner will never be shown but the story of how it happen will.

As we all are guilty of at some time, the project got put aside and the due date was quickly approaching, when it needed to be completed. So lets pin this baby quilt and get it sewn because the grand baby just arrived.  (we knew for 8 months)  As a novice sewer she got started sewing an all over stipple on the new Janome and all was going well. Tensions were good, liked the colors, free motioning is all new but the pattern was looking good.  Almost through this project and feeling pretty cocky that this is going so well and Crunch!  Put the needle through this safety pin as there was no reason to move right. Not just once but FOUR times the sewing needle went through this pin before the thread broke and  was able to stop.  As one may think that this just through the machine out of time or screwed something up, but this Janome was no less for the wear.  Changed the needle  and finished the quilt with Care. 093 - Copy

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